Module sui::table
A table is a map-like collection. But unlike a traditional collection, it's keys and values are not stored within the Table value, but instead are stored using Sui's object system. The Table struct acts only as a handle into the object system to retrieve those keys and values. Note that this means that Table values with exactly the same key-value mapping will not be equal, with ==, at runtime. For example
let table1 = table::new<u64, bool>();
let table2 = table::new<u64, bool>();
table::add(&mut table1, 0, false);
table::add(&mut table1, 1, true);
table::add(&mut table2, 0, false);
table::add(&mut table2, 1, true);
// table1 does not equal table2, despite having the same entries
assert!(&table1 != &table2);
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
use std::ascii;
use std::bcs;
use std::option;
use std::string;
use std::vector;
use sui::address;
use sui::dynamic_field;
use sui::hex;
use sui::object;
use sui::tx_context;
Struct Table
public struct TableK, V has key, store
const ETableNotEmpty: u64 = 0;
Function new
Creates a new, empty table
public fun newK, V(ctx: &mut sui::tx_context::TxContext): sui::table::Table<K, V>
Function add
Adds a key-value pair to the table table: &mut Table<K, V> Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldAlreadyExists if the table already has an entry with that key k: K.
public fun addK, V(table: &mut sui::table::Table<K, V>, k: K, v: V)
Function borrow
Immutable borrows the value associated with the key in the table table: &Table<K, V>. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K.
public fun borrowK, V(table: &sui::table::Table<K, V>, k: K): &V
Function borrow_mut
Mutably borrows the value associated with the key in the table table: &mut Table<K, V>. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K.
public fun borrow_mutK, V(table: &mut sui::table::Table<K, V>, k: K): &mut V
Function remove
Removes the key-value pair in the table table: &mut Table<K, V> and returns the value. Aborts with sui::dynamic_field::EFieldDoesNotExist if the table does not have an entry with that key k: K.
public fun removeK, V(table: &mut sui::table::Table<K, V>, k: K): V
Function contains
Returns true if there is a value associated with the key k: K in table table: &Table<K, V>
public fun containsK, V(table: &sui::table::Table<K, V>, k: K): bool
Function length
Returns the size of the table, the number of key-value pairs
public fun lengthK, V(table: &sui::table::Table<K, V>): u64
Function is_empty
Returns true if the table is empty (if length returns 0)
public fun is_emptyK, V(table: &sui::table::Table<K, V>): bool
Function destroy_empty
Destroys an empty table Aborts with ETableNotEmpty if the table still contains values
public fun destroy_emptyK, V(table: sui::table::Table<K, V>)
Function drop
Drop a possibly non-empty table. Usable only if the value type V has the drop ability
public fun dropK, V(table: sui::table::Table<K, V>)